Outer Space

Radio waves from outer space have frequencies. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation, and their frequency determines their place in the electromagnetic spectrum. Astronomical sources such as stars, galaxies, and black holes emit radio waves at various frequencies. These radio waves can travel through the vacuum of space and can be detected by radio telescopes on Earth. By studying the frequency and intensity of these radio waves, astronomers can gain insights into the physical processes taking place in these astronomical objects.

Electric eels

Electric eels emit direct current (DC). The electric eel has specialized cells called electrocytes that produce electric discharges for navigation, communication, and hunting. These discharges are DC, meaning that the electrons flow in one direction. The electric eel generates large electric fields to stun prey, and the direct current helps ensure that the electric shock is sustained for as long as the eel needs it to be.

More electric animals

  1. Shark and rays: Some species of shark and rays have specialized sensory organs called the Ampullae of Lorenzini that allow them to detect weak electrical signals emitted by their prey.
  2. Catfish: Some species of catfish have the ability to generate and detect electric fields for communication and navigation.
  3. Certain species of fish: Some fish, such as gymnotiformes, also use electric fields for communication and navigation.
  4. Platypus: The platypus has specialized cells in its bill that allow it to detect electric signals from its prey.

Transmitting power

Radio waves can transmit power. This technology is known as wireless power transmission (WPT) or remote wireless power transfer. The basic principle behind WPT is to convert electrical energy into radio waves, transmit those waves through the air or vacuum, and then convert the radio waves back into electrical energy at the receiving end.

WPT has several potential applications, including powering electronic devices wirelessly, providing power to remote areas, and charging electric vehicles. There are several different technologies that can be used for WPT, including magnetic induction, electromagnetic resonance, and laser power transmission.

While WPT is still in the early stages of development, it holds promise as a way to provide power without the need for physical cables or wires. However, there are also technical and safety challenges that need to be addressed, such as efficiency, distance limitations, and potential health risks from exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

An example of using electro-magnetic radiation to transmit power would be the wireless charging of cell phone machines. Qi charging, for example, probably uses magnetic induction.

Nikola Tesla tried using electromagnetic resonance for wireless power transmission. He believed that it was possible to transmit electrical energy without wires, and he conducted a number of experiments to prove his theories. Tesla’s work on wireless power transmission was based on the principle of electromagnetic resonance, which involves tuning the resonant frequency of the transmitting and receiving coils to maximize the transfer of energy.

Although Tesla’s experiments were ahead of their time and showed promise, his ideas about wireless power transmission were never fully realized during his lifetime. The technology required to build a practical wireless power transmission system was not available at the time, and many of Tesla’s ideas about electrical engineering and physics were considered to be too far-fetched.

In recent years, however, there has been renewed interest in wireless power transmission, and modern advances in electronics and wireless technology have made it possible to explore Tesla’s ideas in greater detail. While there are still challenges to overcome, the concept of wireless power transmission continues to hold promise as a way to provide power to devices and locations where traditional wired power sources are not available.