New study claims Atlanta has the fifth highest inflation of any city in the nation

The Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach market got the top spot on the list, while Chicago and San Francisco ranked as two of the cities with the lowest inflation.

Author: Paola Suro (WXIA)
Published: 8:07 PM EDT October 16, 2023
Updated: 8:07 PM EDT October 16, 2023

ATLANTA — A new study claims Atlanta and the metro area ranked fifth in the nation for inflation. According to a WalletHub analysis, the metro area has seen a 1.10% increase in inflation in the last two months and a 4.40% increase compared to last year.

Atlanta resident Ariel Alba said he’s not surprised.

“From where it was, everything now is more expensive,” Alba said. “Everything went up… food, groceries, gas, a lot of stuff.”